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Fall 2017


Everyone wants to be happy. When I was young I thought material things made everyone happy. The more money you had, the more things you could buy, and the happier you could become. Now that I’m older I now understand it's not the material things that make people happy. I feel like it’s the satisfaction in people’s lives that make them happy. The satisfaction of getting the job done or completing that task. We see this in the movie “Happy” directed by Rico Belic. This movie explores the concept of happiness and what causes it all around the world. It shows that one must first be sad to enjoy true happiness. The movie was easy to understand and it shows you what’s possible to achieve when you become happy. Just like me, many people have been taught from the society we live in that money, success, and possessions are the keys to happiness but in this movie, many don’t have any of these but they are just as happy, if not happier. It shows real life people from around the world and scientists doing research with them. 

Mary Kathryn Weunski

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